slices of time
5TTMM presents time as a graphic abstraction, which is easy to comprehend and universal. This time the time is rising up, filling the “pizzas” of time – the hours.
Time is represented by 12 barrels divided into 5 minute slices. The part of day is indicated by the lit up dot: left for AM, right for PM.
> Tap right side to see the complications. > Tap each complication to choose what you prefer to see. > Tap on the left side to come back to clock view.TIMER SET UP
> Tap left side to set the 60 minute TIMER. > Tap on the circle to set the minutes. > Tap triangle to start/stop timer. > Tap dot icon (top right corner) to return to clock view. > To block the possibility to change color and complications go to > Settings on your Fitbit app.