mark the time

Does time give us freedom or is it our prison?
BARTTMM presents time in the form of 6 lines with white bars for the digits of H H M M S S.
Clock faces is equipped with three pairs for complications. On the one side you can see cryptic time as bars. On the other side you can set on the top; date or time with a heart rate, in the middle; temperature with battery status or UV index with Air quality and on the bottom; your personal results of active time with steps or distance with calories. With BARTTMM you can swap columns of information from left to right. Now no mether on which hand, left or right, you wear Fitbit Versa, you will see crucial informations even when slevee cover half of the watch.
Be free and have your time.

Go to settings to set up time position (left or right), color and chimes.

To purchase, download
the TTMM for Fitbit Versa app


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