time is a game

It’s time for a time decoding game!

The three groups of dots represent: top – hours, middle – tens of minutes and bottom minutes. The blinking line represents seconds. The position of the small dot next to the seconds line refers to: AM – left and PM – right. 

There is also a complete view with complications plus TIMER and TORCH functions. > Tap right side to go to complications view. > Tap left side to set TIMER> Tap in the centre top area to turn the TORCH feature. > Tap the bottom of the screen to change color preset.

To set TIMER, > tap clocks to add: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes and 1 hour.  > Tap X to clear. > Tap white triangle to start/stop. > Tap little triangle to return to clock view. To set complications just > tap each line. > Tap little triangle to return to clock view.

To purchase, download
the TTMM for Fitbit Versa app


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