
THETTMM-VS is a modern analog clock face with four customized complications.

THETTMM-VS is a clock face with AOD feature and an annual weather subscription plan, exclusive to the Fitbit Versa Sense and Fitbit Versa 3.

AOD – always on display
is equipped with AOD (always-on display) feature. You can turn it on, on device settings, and enjoy TTMM time constantly.

THETTMM-VS is equipped with complications that, set by tapping, let you view the number of steps, distance, active zone minutes, calories burned, heart rate, weather, temperature and battery status. Air quality status and UV level can be set separately in Companion Settings.

Tap to change

Companion settings
Go to clock face companion settings in your phone and setup preset color, turn on needful complications. With a simple tap the complications you can change and adopt to your needs. Use lock on to set choosen complication permanently.

Our planet’s climate is changing. Weather services and sensors technologies provide a lot of information about the quality of the weather, air pollution and ultra violet radiation. A smartwatch is a great place to inform us about the weather or warn us about threats, e.g. excessive uv, dangerous air quality or weather events. Organizing and providing this information in clear views will help us live better and prepare for the future.

Weather settings
To properly deliver weather condition informations, TTMM clock face needs to have access to GPS position. Please grant access Fitbit app permanently.

Weather views
In clock face Settings you can activate two additional views: WEATHER CONDITION view (equipped with UV index, AQ index and weather icon and temperature) and AIR QUALITY view with AQ Index and detailed informations about presence PM 10 and PM 25 particles in the air in you area.

To cancel weather view and back to clock face tap red dot at a top of the screen.


Weather highlighted
When external conditions exceed the recommended standards, to increase your attention, we highlight values with appropriate colors.


Weather alerts
You can turn on specific type of alerts (weather, UV, AQ) and TTMM clock face will show you message if outside conditions could be unhealthy or dangerous for you. This alerts could help you to prepare or to avoid unhealthy environment.

To cancel weather alert and back to clock face tap red dot at a top of the screen.



Fitbit Versa can’t have any sound alarm but with Chimes your smartwatch discreetly notify you that every full hour just passed, by a long vibration. Go to Companion Settings and turn hour chimes on.



Credits & Copyrights
Design: Albert Salamon. Programming: Gregoire Sage, Wiktor Hołubowicz and Piotr Kamiński. ©️ 2020 Albert Salamon. All rights reserved. TTMM is a registered trademark of TTMM in the European Union and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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