TTMMON-3 is a pack with 10 clock faces originally designed for the Pebble smartwatch – now available for the Fitbit Versa. It comes with extra features like a STOPWATCH, a TIMER and a FULL VIEW of all complications. It has user-friendly corner-navigation interface and a tap-to-change customization feature.

is a creative experiment packed with questions about: what TIME could be, what it means and how should it look like? The 10 designs in one clockface collection just save your life-time on search, uploading and style fitting. The tap-to-change feature gives you incredible power to customize the design, information display or color. TTMMON-3 is ready for every style and mood and brings you visuals puzzles for a question of time is.

To use the STOPWATCH tap the top left corner. To setup and use the TIMER tap the top right corner. To change the clockface DESIGN tap the bottom left corner. To see and customize FULL VIEW – tap the bottom right corner.

Perhaps your time is like a flower and it looks so nice when it blossoms at midnight. Here, just like in an analog round clock, the position and the number of lit up graphic elements indicates the hour. Digits at the bottom show the minutes.


nerve of the time
This design is inspired by the Twin Peaks series. Two zigzags mark the time sapping by. Each lit up module counts as one hour. Digits at the bottom show minutes.


negative and positive
Here we can see everything but the time itself. Invert your perception of time. Big digits of hours will appear in a negative space. Digits at the bottom show minutes.


round and round again
Just like in an analog round clock the position of the circle segments point to the hour. Time just goes round and round again. Digits at the bottom show minutes.


minus plus X
When time works for your good…
The hours that passed are marked by a “+” sign. The future ones (the unknown) are plain lines (minuses). The current hour is marked by an animation – the “X” changes into a “+”. Digits at the bottom show the minutes.


the direction of time
Now you can see in which direction time is running. As with an analog watch, the arrowhead indicates position of the hour. Digits at the bottom show the minutes.

digital hourglass
It takes half a day to fill up twelve fields. Each field is one hour. Just count them, to know the exact time. Digits at the bottom show minutes.

new signs of time

TTMMON is all about the signs of Time. Where did the alphabet come from? Who designed it? When? Why?

This model displays a new form of digits, legible from the very first moment you look at them. Each segment counts, so the number of segments stands the current hour. Digits at the bottom show minutes.

big bang
Since the Big Bang – time and space expand, complementing each other’s dimensions. It started at one point. As in an analog watch, the focus of the line at the point determines the position of the time. Digits at the bottom show the minutes.

time transformer
Here, time is a robot, constantly doing its job. Born at the beginning of the day, it starts to show signs of life: first the nose and eyes lit up, and by the end of the day twelve wrinkles appear. The mouth spits out digits every minute.

Extra features
TTMMON-3 is equipped with color presets and silent chimes (vibration every hour). Go to companion settings of TTMMON-3 in Fitbit app and setup your preferences. Fitbit Versa 2 users can enjoy AOD (always on display) feature. AOD means that chosen design stays on screen. You could enjoy it’s otherness all the time.

other TTMMON collections


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