watchfaces for I’m Watch

Tritime, Fortime, Timegrid, Timinus, Timechart, Timenine are series of watchface clock applications specially invented for I’m Watch device. Apps are original, simple and aesthetic in design, from future ethnic through sci-fi style to digital buisness. Now is a great moment for a new way of showing, reading and understanding our times. This collection won Gold A Design Award.

Tritime is an watchface application which turns your i’m Watch device into a stylishly artistic, powerfully aesthetic clock which looks like it’s come from a future.

Using twelve color triangels representing hours (green for AM and yellow for PM) and twelve smaller white tringels representing 5-miute intervals you can add and compute your

Tritime is a Time Machine Clock, so Watch the Face of Time – now in 9 colors.

Timechart is an aesthetic watchface application which turns your i’m Watch device into a business clock which looks like it’s come from a word of excel.

Reading time is serious and trivial. Hours and minutes are shown in bar relations. Timechart measures you life, so respect the Face of Time in 9 vivid colors.

Timenine is a simple and innovative watchface application which turns your i’m Watch device into a splendid, aesthetic clock which looks like it is come from a great mathematician’s imagination.

Reading time is fast and pleasant. Hours are shown by big color numbers, minutes are in 6 groups of 9 dots, each dot representing a single minute. After 10 minutes the group transforms into one square. When 30 minutes pass a long rectangle appears.

Timenine shows you current status of the passing time, so Watch the Face of Time – now in 9 colors.

Fortime is a graphics watchface application which turns your I’m Watch device into a brilliant and innovatively designed clock which looks like it is come from another planet.

Reading is obvious, smart and suprising. Each hour is represented by four circle quarters. A quarter flashing slowly represents 5-minute section, when blinking fast it shows 10 minutes passed. Lit up circle quarters mark 15-minute sections. A full circle counts for one hour. The small dot below hours represents AM time, the dot above stands for PM.

Fortime shows your targets in time, so Watch the Face of Time.

Timegrid is an 21 century watchface application which turns your I’m Watch device into an simple and original, aesthetic clock which looks like it is come from a future game.

Reading it is fast, simple and suprising. Each hour is represent by position and size of color rectangle AM (green) and PM (yellow). Minutes are in the middle of that grid.

Timegrid shows you time in space i new perspective, so Watch the Face of Time – now in 9 colors.

Timinus is a frantic application which turns your i’m Watch device into a stylishly artistic clock which looks like it’s come from a sci-fi movie.

It expresses the time in the way which you’ve never seen before – by three groups of lines, representing hours, tens of minutes and minutes and with a line for seconds. The time of day can be gathered from the position of the dots (left for AM and right for PM).

Timinus marks time in lines for you, so watch the Face of Time in 9 vivid colors.

Copyright © Albert Salamon 2020


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