keeps what is matter

If you find yourself in a situation without your phone or notebook at hand you can quickly note down a short IMPORTANT and tag them with one of 16 memory tags.

It lets you to easily store and retrieve ad hoc info such as: dates, phone no., door codes, locker codes, flight gates, parking spots or long term info such as: medicine prescription, blood type, credit card pins.

1. To add new IMPORTANT tap the “+” and 2.  choose the memory tag. 3. Input the content with the keyboard. Swipe left to access the different keyboards. Red ‘X’ clears the last typed character, AC clears all typed characters from the current entry. 4. Tap the padlock icon to lock or unlock the entry. You can edit the entry only when unlocked. 5. Tap the top left icon to see the full list of IMPORTANTS.

A. Tap the memory tag on one of your entries to change it to another. B. Tap the entry to edit it. C. To delete an entry swipe to the left and tap the trash icon.

Restarting your smartwatch does not erase entries. Deleting the utility or a factory reset will clear all entries.

To purchase, download
the TTMM for Fitbit Versa app


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